I’m Doing Something Every Day, But I’m Doing Nothing
How is it that every day I’m doing something, but it feels like I’m doing nothing?
I’m Doing Something Every Day, But I’m Doing Nothing Read More
How is it that every day I’m doing something, but it feels like I’m doing nothing?
I’m Doing Something Every Day, But I’m Doing Nothing Read More
Yesterday, I finally launched the first product of my almost 2-year-old creative education startup, Path Unbound. As recent as a month or so ago, I was thinking of giving up and moving on to something else.
Want to Bootstrap Your Business? Don’t Repeat My Mistakes Read More
In the winter of 2012, I moved back to China for my first television job after completing my undergraduate studies in the US. That same winter was when I realized I made a horrible career mistake – I hated what I did.