Why Soft Skills for Designers Can Be “UX-ed”
“I don’t like this design, but I don’t know why.” If I ask every designer who has heard of this client feedback before to clap once, we are probably going to hear a standing ovation around the world.
“I don’t like this design, but I don’t know why.” If I ask every designer who has heard of this client feedback before to clap once, we are probably going to hear a standing ovation around the world.
“Job title: Junior Designer. Salary: The lowest level we can get away with for an entry-level job. Requirements: 5 years of experience and a degree in Design Interview. Process: Do a small project for us which we may use for free after we don’t hire you. Perks: We have great culture and free snacks!” Does this sound familiar to you? It sure does to me.
A Designer’s Challenge to Entry-Level Jobs That Require Five Years of Experience Read More
Almost every day, I get asked this question by my beginner design students.
“Is the design field too saturated?”
Last year, I made a huge financial mistake in real estate. I wrote about my experience first on Medium with one simple intention — if any of my friends asks, I will send them the link to read the story instead of repeating the painful details to them over and over again.
I Accidentally Got On The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider and The TODAY Show Read More